The Unvarnished Facts
- Although not for the first time, the political landscape has changed for the worse! The same old, patriotic,
by-the-rules rhetoric is no longer useful in these new, uninformed, "What's-in-it-for-me?" times.
- Americans, in fact, can no longer take their rights and freedoms for granted — FASCISM
is already knocking on our door!
- Ignorantly, legislators have neglected our recent past.
- Self-serving legislators are cowering under pressure.
- Students are kept unaware of the hunger and misery that FASCISM caused millions during World War II and the great
number of Americans who died to save democracy around the world.
- An uninformed-generation of materially-motivated, "that's not-my-problem" Americans remains oblivious to the dangers
facing its own rights and freedoms.
- Citizens United allows Wealth and Power Hungry-Mongers to subsidize the enemies of the democracy that
feeds their insatiable appetite!
- Spewing falsehoods that unwitting, uninformed, trusting individuals want to hear,
foreign and domestic agents,
endeavor to divide and conquer Americans and, ultimately, destroy our democracy!
- Multi-ethnic, religious, political and other groups, caring only for their own interests and prejudices, are destroying the coexistense
that has made our democracy possible.
- The Founding Fathers' domestic-tranquility notion, that has made our democracy
possible for centuries, has now become domestic division.
- Our Constitutional Democratic Republic is in the throes of its own extinction!
- If autocracy prevails in U.S.A., everyone will suffer under its tight, big-brother grip.
- Worldwide, our nation is no longer considered a reliable ally and its reputation is now at an all-time low.
- Appeasement or FEAR will not quell the assault on the freedoms that Americans have long taken for granted.
- Fascist efforts to squelch our rights and freedoms will NOT disappear by themselves!
- Repeating or changing others' minds with words alone, even if logical, is generally a waste of time.
To restore the
status quo ante — when proud Americans could depend on their
Democratic Republic —
Americrats must:
- Understand that ACTION, not complaints, can save our Americracy.
- Understand that knowing what really incites individuals to make self-defeating
decisions is necessary to achieve success in our quest to Save Our Democracy!
Understand the necessity of rational solutions that are not skewed to benefit any
particular group and will enhance our coexistense.
Understand importance of coexistense, how it affects our democracy, the factors that imperil its
endurance and how they can be corrected.
Understand the factors that incite constituents of free societies to make unwitting, self-destructive decisions
which eventually might cost them their RIGHTS and FREEDOMS.
Understand the need for codified legilation that will prevent future seditious assaults on our democracy.
Understand that, in today's "What's in it for me? ERA", when decisions that affect Americans'
security and well-being are being made by bribable, partisan SCOTUS justices, the time has come to eliminate
the lifetime tenure rule, which was conceived during a time when honor, integrity and patriotism were sacrosanct!