Per the FEC, "During current two-year election cycle, the limit for contributions by individuals to federal candidates for President,
the Senate and the House will increase to $2,900 per election."
Since when are regular campaign supporters' donations limited but the holders of Dark Money are not? If this is not a partisan ploy
by SCOTUS, what is it?
However, it's not impossible! On December 5, 1933, with the passage of the Twenty-first Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,
Prohibition was repealed — less than two years after the biginning of FDR's presidency! Therefore, to mitigate the influence of
Dark Money in politics:
- 1. Either Citizens United should be
repealed outright; or
- 2. A fair, contribution method should be adopted where:
- All political contributions should be made to a secure, transparent, non-partisan Public Elections Fund
- Fund contributions shall be equally distributed among all bona-fide, major-party-candidates.
- Contribution amounts shall be determined by area-size, at an agreed-to time-interval.
- Distributions amounts are to be determined by a census-based “demographic formula”.
- If a candidade withdraws from a race, all remaining funds shall be equally distributed among remaining candidates.