Action Americana
Experience Counts
No institution or corporation in the world would hire an individual as CEO who does not already possess a certain level of experience and competency in its field. Neither should the American People!
Public office is not for habitual liars or self-serving, unpatriotic, supporters of Fascism!  It is not a school for dangerous apprentices!
The powers vested on elected public officials, including the president, and the role they play in the security of our nation, are far too important to be held by any individual who is "NOT STEEPED" in the long-running traditions that establish the relationships between the people of the United States and their Constitution.

An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Action Americana
Granted, the difficulties a modern political candidate faces when first elected are numerous and so it's not surprising that a certain amount of "on-the-job-training" will be necessary.
However, before registering, any individual who wishes to become a candidate, must be knowledgeable of the history, traditions and protocols necessary to facilitate an effective administration of the office he or she seeks.
Public Candidate-Vetting
Our Polz Quiz was designed to expose unprepared, demagogic, corrupt, unfit or self-serving, political candidates, hopefully, preventing their nomination.
To avoid the possible nominations of unqualified, though charismatic individuals, prior to any election cycle, would-be candidates will be given national exposure to show their capacity to administer the public office they seek.
Our Polz Quiz will consist of a group of a well-respected, experienced, unbiased Candidate Certification Panel, (a.k.a. the Panel), which will pose identical questions to the canditates relative to the office they are seeking.
The audience, in turn, will be prompted to cast their vote electronically for those candidates whose competency is made obvious by the Polz Quiz.  In addition . . .
  1. During the month of January, one year before every election (2 years for presidential candidates), the Panel will be convened to conduct a public, Pre-Registration Candidate Quiz ("Polz Quiz").
  2. The public Polz Quiz will be held no later than the last day of January and the results made available to the public no later than forty-eight (48) hours after it has taken place.
  3. Naturally, participation in the Polz Quiz would be voluntary and by request.
  4. At its discretion, the Panel shall formulate a set of questions relative to the knowledge of constitutional history as well as rules and protocols deemed necessary to perform the required duties of the office sought.
  5. Each question shall be agreed to by at least five (5) members of the Panel.
  6. Candidate certification, shall be decided by the results of the Polz Quiz, in accordance with the criteria previously agreed to by at least five (5) members of the Panel.
  7. For the sake of simplicity and fairness, a "Jeopardy-Style" Polz Quiz is suggested, where questions presented on a screen must be answered by each potential candidate — in writing.