Campaign Finance Reform
Citizens United Ruling
As a result of Citizens United's Supreme Court victory, "Dark Money", irrespective of its nefarious sources, is now "free speech".
Now, wealthy individuals and corporations can use "Dark Money" as a way to exert even more influence than they already had in our corrupt electoral system.  Buying elections, in fact, is now easier than ever.
In the last few election cycles, a high number of secretly-funded political ads have saturated the airwaves all over the U.S. with ads paid for with virtually untraceable “dark money” from super-rich "benefactors" who seek to buy elections.

Before SCOTUS ruled in favor of Citizens United (v. FED), campaign finance legislation and case law banned corporate expenditures and electioneering.
Citizens United argued that these bans violated the First Amendment’s right to free speech.  Citizens United won!
In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court extended First Amendment rights to corporations.  Corporations can now use treasury funds to make expenditures and pay for electioneering communications in connection with federal elections.
Corporations must still adhere to disclaimer and disclosure requirements when making those communications.
The take-away?  The Citizens United victory is a flagrant assault on common sense and a stake on the heart of our electoral system.
Repeal Citizens United
Per the FEC, "During current two-year election cycle, the limit for contributions by individuals to federal candidates for President, the Senate and the House will increase to $2,900 per election."
Since when are regular campaign supporters' donations limited but the holders of Dark Money are not?  If this is not a partisan ploy by SCOTUS, what is it?
However, it's not impossible!  On December 5, 1933, with the passage of the Twenty-first Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Prohibition was repealed — less than two years after the biginning of FDR's presidency!  Therefore, to mitigate the influence of Dark Money in politics:
  • 1. Either Citizens United should be repealed outright; or
  • 2. A fair, contribution method should be adopted where:
    1. All political contributions should be made to a secure, transparent, non-partisan Public Elections Fund
    2. Fund contributions shall be equally distributed among all bona-fide, major-party-candidates.
    3. Contribution amounts shall be determined by area-size, at an agreed-to time-interval.
    4. Distributions amounts are to be determined by a census-based “demographic formula”.
    5. If a candidade withdraws from a race, all remaining funds shall be equally distributed among remaining candidates.